1. How did your journey into music ministry begin? Can you share what inspired you to move from Town and Regional Planning into full-time gospel music?
Answer- I was born into a Christian home. All my siblings are in the church choir. As the last child, I automatically follow suit. My Dad is a music lover too. He play all kinds and genre of music. Both gospel and circular. So from a young age, I have been exposed to music. I believe God knows about me before I was formed in my mothers womb and orchestra my part till I become HIS. So from church choir of different denominations, I was lead to start a music group. Now it has metamorphous into a music ministry

2. What would you say were some of the challenges you faced at the early stages of your music career, and how did you overcome them?
One major challenge is lack of music mentors. I strive do hard to connect to someone up there who has been where I want to be. The few people that really appeal to my spirit were not accessible. Things are better now though, because, few of the leaders are now having worship seminars and conferences that helps the upcoming . It was not always so. How I overcame this challenge was in the place of prayer and personal study of the word of God.

3. Your latest album, Hymns to Him, is centered around hymns, which is quite a unique focus in today’s gospel music scene. What drew you to hymns as a musical expression?
My lasted album is NOT Hymns to Him. That was my 1st hymn album. It was the album that pushed my brand out. My latest album is YORUBA HYMN CLASSIC Volume 1 and 2.
What drew me to HYMN was the solace it give me. I pass through a few orthodox churches. (Baptists, CAC and so on ) Their hymn helps me to worship and give me personal comfort. Hence, I released Hymns because they first ministered to me.

4. How do you approach reinterpreting classic hymns in a way that resonates with both older and younger generations in the church?
I believe it is the Holy Spirit that does that. We bless Him for making us a vessel to bless lives through the hymns. One major thing that stood out for me is that… I don’t just sing hymns because I want to release songs.. I only sing the hymns after they have blessed me personally… So the delivery and passion hits different if you have encountered what you are singing. Don’t forget GOD is ultimately the one at work in us both to will and do of His good pleasure..

5. As the founder of OluwaloniMinistries and God and I Records, how do these platforms help in advancing your vision for gospel music and outreach to the unchurched?
We are more focused on the ministry aspect now. By God’s grace we have a few outreach outside church structure, where we go to minister in songs to people on the streets and in the market. OluwaloniMinistries also give us the opportunity (by God’s grace ) to grace many platforms where we present the gospel in songs and otherwise

6. You have been privileged to minister alongside renowned worship leaders on both national and international stages. How has this experience shaped you as an artist and minister?
It’s a privileged to be part of the end time army and I bless God for the opportunity to minister alongside anointed music minister that I once look up to. This made me know that God can use anyone who is ready to yield. Singing in such gathering also keep me in awe of God. As I see diverse gifting, skill and uniqueness of individual… I can only Say… God is too awesome.

7. Your role at The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) in Abeokuta is significant. How has serving in the church’s music department impacted your ministry and growth as a gospel artist?
Trem is a blessing to me.. I served in different capacity there and I am still a part of this great church. Trem gave me the platform to express my gift while it was still in the embryo. Serving in Trem made me discover purpose. It is a place where I develop spiritual status.. I am yet growing though. I thank God for TREM

8. Mentorship seems to be an important part of your life, as you guide young people drawn to your ministry. How do you balance being a mentor and continuing to grow in your own music career?
I love mentoring because I had seen that gap in my early years in singing ministry. I believe we must give the people coming up a right hand of fellowship. Mentoring is a way up for me and not an hindrance. When we help others, we reap what we sow. It’s the principle of the kingdom.

9. With the release of HYMN albums, what message do you hope to convey to the body of Christ and the larger audience through this album?
With my hymn albums, my message is simple. The body of Christ is not divided. I have sang celestial ,hymns, C and S Hymns, CAC, and many more. All of these hymns have depth and blesses lives. Some hymns may not have perfect biblical doctrines, (which can be corrected) yet we cannot deny the hand of God on those hymns. The body of Christ is blessed.

10. Looking forward, what are some of your dreams and aspirations for the future of gospel music, both in Nigeria and internationally? Where do you see your ministry in the next five years?
I chose to see what God see. And go where He leads. We plan to do more of outreaches, focusing more on soul winning and ministering to the needy in the body of Christ and otherwise. Whatever comes in between… we will go…
Generally the future of Gospel music is blessed. The way the Lord is spreading his word through gospel music is really healing the move of the spirit. I believe the gospel music will yet serve the bigger purpose of GOD!


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