Download Mp3: What Can You Not Do – Uzo Oachi ( Video + Lyrics )

Nigerian gospel singer and songwriter bUzo Oachi Uzo Oachi  releases a new song titled What Can You Not Do

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Lead: What can you not do Jesus (x8)

Verse 1:

You can move every mountain

Move every mountain, yes oh, Jesus!

You can fill every valley

Fill every valley, yes oh, Jesus!

You can even raise the dead, Lord

Even raise the dead oh, yes oh Jesus!

You can break every chain yes

Break every chain yes oh, Jesus!

You can heal every sickness

Heal every sickness, yes oh Jesus!

You can take away the pain

Take away the pain, yes oh Jesus!


What can you not do, Jesus (4x)

Verse 2:

You can move every mountain

Move every mountain, yes oh, Jesus!

You can fill every valley

Fill every valley, yes oh, Jesus!

(I know) You can turn situations

Turn situations, yes ooh, Jesus!

You can heal the broken hearted

Heal the broken hearted, yes ooh Jesus!

You can make the barren smile again

Make the barren smile again, yes ooh Jesus!

Cos there’s nothing that is hard for you

Nothing is too hard for you ooh, Jesus!

Back to Chorus:

What can you not do Jesus (4x)


You can do the impossible, Jesus (8x)

(Call that name)

JESUS (7x) – 3x


What can you not do, Jesus (taken by Lead)

There is nothing too hard for you Jesus


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