The new release comes with an exciting music video shot in the UK and is already making waves on YouTube.
The divine quality and writing of “BLESS THE LORD”emanated from Psalms 103; verses 1-2, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:” Psalms 103:1-2 NKJV
David spoke to his soul and commanded it to bless the Lord. We also like David, must talk to ourselves and command ourselves to do the right thing. Blessing The Father in The Name of Jesus is the right thing, no matter what life throws at us, asking us to compromise or not seeing Jesus for who He is when we are faced with difficulties. Self-affirming words inspired by the Holy Spirit is essential, especially when it’s not looking like IT”
You might ask, “how can my soul bless the Lord?”
It certainly takes more than just saying, “Bless the Lord.” This is referring to us speaking out loud our love to the Lord for all His benefits. This extols the Lord. (The death, burial, resurrection,ascension and glorification of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ). The Glory that follows these realities are our benefits… Hallelujah!!!!!
However, our soul (the mental and emotional part of us) doesn’t always bless the Lord. We must render praise not only with our spirit but also with our soul as we are commanded. The reason we are commanded to remember all His benefits is because it is not what we would naturally do; it sometimes takes effort and a choice to remember, but it is well worth the effort if we practice “Bless The Lord for He is good to me!”
Think of all the benefits(an act of kindness, financial help, emotional support) God as sent your way when you were in need and BLESS THE LORD for He is good to YOU in every way
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