Church Alive Music release their new song titled ‘This Is Our Faith featuring Magno Mendes
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Verse 1
Dearest Father, I give this lettered melody in worship
My lungs cry out confess and sing Your Lordship
Your Majesty, Yes You are King, I believe
Verse 2
Dearest Father, Your kingdom come on earth is my desire
The dreams of heaven burn inside like a fire
I’m not done yet, cause’ You’re not done yet, I believe
Chorus 1
I believe in You my God, the Truth
I believe Christ is Your Son, the Way
I believe Your Holy Spirit, the Life
This is my faith, this is my faith
Verse 3
Dearest Father, give us today and everyday our daily bread
And please forgive our sins as we learn to forgive
We want to live, like Jesus lived, we believe
Verse 4
Dearest Father, lead us in all of Your ways shine Your light
Deliver us from evil and all the lies, open our eyes
To Jesus Christ, Who we believe
Chorus 1
We believe in You my God, the Truth
We believe Christ is Your Son, the Way
We believe Your Holy Spirit, the Life
This is our faith, this is our faith
Chorus 2
We believe Your crucifixion, debt paid
We believe Your resurrection, that saves
We believe You’re coming back, one day
This is our faith, this is our faith
Bridge 1
Our faith is found, In the name of Jesus
Our hope is found, In the name of Jesus
Our love is found, In the name of Jesus
Christ alone, cornerstone
Bridge 2
Our peace is found, In the name of Jesus
Our strength is found, In the name of Jesus
Our joy is found, In the name of Jesus
Christ alone
Chorus 1
We believe in You my God, the Truth
We believe Christ is Your Son, the Way
We believe Your Holy Spirit, the Life
This is our faith, this is our faith
Chorus 2
We believe Your crucifixion, debt paid
We believe Your resurrection, that saves
We believe You’re coming back, one day
This is our faith, this is our faith
Chorus 3
This is our faith so let our breath confess
That Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death
In His name we find true life and rest
This is our faith, this is our faith