Peace Izeh is a Nigerian Gospel recording artist, songwriter and passionate worshipper whose songs create an atmosphere for God to breathe on the wounded, obliterate disbelief and reconcile lost souls back to him. She is out with her Debut single MY SOURCE. 

She was born on November 6th as the last child in a family of five. She hails from Delta state. Her love for God is inveterate thus, each ministry is laced with Excellence. Her aim is to make every moment in God’s presence count.

Propelled by her passion to bless souls via her voice, she underwent intense training and coaching from those top tier in her field and is currently certified by THE ACADEMY, a training organized by EeZee Conceptz as well as ROXNATION ACADEMY organized by TIMGODFREYWORLD

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My Source – Peace Izeh
[Verse 1]
Who am I without your love?
Who am I without your grace?
Who am I without your mercy?
Absolutely nothing

[Pre – Chorus ]
Faithful God
Your mercies are new every morning
You changest not
You remain forever the same
Your love is unconditional
Your grace is overwhelming
Oh lord, who am I without your grace?

I can do nothing without you my God
You’re my strength all the way
In you i live and move and have my being
Oh Lord, you’re my source

[Verse 2]
Not by works that I should boast
What i am is by your grace
Not of he that runneth, or he that’s strongest
But in your mercy i will boast

[Pre – Chorus]
Faithful God
Your mercies are new every morning
You changest not
You remain forever the same
Your love is unconditional
Your grace is overwhelming
Oh lord, who am I without your grace?

I can do nothing without you my God
You’re my strength all the way
In you i live and move and have my being
Oh Lord, you’re my source


Oh lord you’re my source ( 8x)

I can do nothing without you my God
You’re my strength all the way
In you i live and move and have my being
Oh Lord, you’re my source.


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